Sunday, February 05, 2006

DUMB DUMB BLOGGER! FUCKING IRRITATING, GETTING ON MY FUCKING NERVES! Realised that the post i typed yesterday disappered and the fucking time thingy still isnt working! FUCK BLOGGER! FUCK YOUUUUUUUUU! FUCK YOU UNDERSTAND? Pffft..

Gotta retype every single thing again, so here it goes..
On friday, supposed to meet my laogong. But because i was so tired, asked him if he could come to my house to stay over instead of us going out and spending the whole night out. Than he said no because he wanted to spend more time with his ah ma and ah gong because they were going back to brunei? i think so.. haha, yepps, so i said ok, than i went to sleep. After sleeping for awhile, i woke up and bathed than called laogong to ask him where he was. And guess what he said? '426! Open your door'. Woah, so happy leys, didnt know he would be coming over, gave me a surprise, so happy. So naughty ehs dear? Haha. Anyways, me and laogong are both sick, he has soretroat and he passed it to me, now im sick too (-__-") Forever like that, whenever one of us fall sick, the other one surely 100% gurantee plus chop get it too. Hahas. Love laogong so muchhhhhh! ONE year coming so soon, so happy that we would be together until now, still as loving and inseparable. Looking at our neoprints, the many photos we took, really brings back lots of fond memories. x) The many times where i would be scolding him when we are taking neoprints because he would always be fooling ard and whenever the photos print out, there would be one or two or even all where he wouldnt even be looking at the camera. So darn cute! Laogong, you are mine all MINE! Not gonna ever let you go. Even if someone were to give me the world for you, i wouldnt exchange you for the world because YOU are my world laogong. I love you! x)

Hmms, my mom is gonna get a new phone for me sometime, sooner or later, dont really know what model i wanna get. Sony ericsson walkman phone or n70? I dont like the design of the walkman phones, all so obiang leys, but i like the mp3 function. For n70, the mp3 is quite clear and good. But the front camera is quite blur whereas the back camera is clear but dark. HMMS! So confused la. Nvm, shall think of it when the day comes. Shall upload the pictures from the previous posts.

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Thats all. Sayonare!

LAOGONG WO AI NI! Teeheehee. Muacks. <3


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